rain fell in short light bursts on the dock in Portofino. It was like any other
drippy day in a quaint town on the Italian Riviera. And for that matter, I can’t
even say for sure if being in Portofino had anything to do with my epiphany, or
if it was just mere coincidence that what I heard and what I saw changed
forever the way I looked at holiday cards boasting family vacation photos.
traveled a lot when I grew up and my Pop always asked strangers to take our
family vacation photo, which often became the annual Christmas card. To
complicate matters, he liked us to be walking in the photos. Asking a stranger
to snap a photo of what would live in the family album to mark that specific year
is one thing. Asking a stranger to snap a photo of your family walking is a far
more complicated request.
of my favorite Christmas card vacation photos was taken on a trip after my
brother and I were off in college. It is a walking photo of my folks in Greece.
I love the juxtaposition of the elements in this photo and always wondered what
the stranger/photographer thought about Mom in high heels and Pop with a
briefcase walking amid the ancient ruins. “Yes, they're from United States, Cali-fornia,” I imagine the
stranger/photographer/Greek tour guide thinking, “Elena and I must buy business suits to wear
when we go to visit Cousin Adelfo in Santa Cruz."
Tourists milled around the dock waiting for the next ferry. “Let’s stand over here against the wall,” says the father of four to his wife. I watch as he approaches a man explaining camera settings to his son. “Hello,” he says holding his arm out, red digital camera dangling from a tie dye strap around his wrist. “Will you take our picture?” He says opening his mouth wide to form perfect English words and adding eye motions and pleading face gestures as he hands the camera to the stranger. He holds the index finger and thumb of his left hand in front of his face as if grabbing a king size bar of ivory soap as his right index finger moves up and down as if pushing the trigger button on the camera. The stranger nods. He understands from the pantomime that he is being asked to take a photo.
The American father flaps his arms to position his clan against the wall and turns to the stranger. The stranger examines the camera. As expected, the stranger does not speak the same language. From the glare off the water, the stranger cannot see the image on the screen and the camera appears to have no viewfinder. He aims the camera in the general direction of the posed family and snaps a photo, then another. He extends his hand as if to return the red camera indicating he is done. The family is already posed so I snap a similar photo they will never see. My photo ignores their faces and captures their body language, the defining moment caught as the two smallest children strike moonwalk poses.
please, please, a few more,” the mother says in rapid voice, unaffected by the
fact that the stranger does not speak her language. The stranger tries to hand
the camera back to the husband a second time, but the husband makes the trigger
finger motion again, this time more rapidly. “Tell him to leave extra room at
the top or bottom so we’ll have space to write Happy Holidays from the Jasper
Family, Portofino 2011.”
The husband acknowledges her, full well knowing he will not try to use hand signals to interpret his wife’s holiday inscription as she will surely change it several times before the card is printed. “Another day in paradise” it might read if it weren’t raining, or “Celebrating our 20th with the kids in Portofino where we honeymooned. WooHoo!” Whatever the message, there is no need to attempt a verbatim translation. In
sign language, the father has no idea how to say leave more space at the top or
bottom. He instinctively reaches above his head as if picking apples from a
tree, then makes a back and forth waving motion, next with both hands at waist level
he pushes his hands downward in a motion that’s a cross between air sit-ups and
rinsing a bed sheet in a stream. He repeats the motions indicating to leave
room at the top or bottom, but his movements are misinterpreted by the on-looking
picking, window washing, sheet rinsing, trigger finger, >repeat<, apple
picking, window washing, sheet rinsing, trigger finger – the gestures take on a
rhythm that are accompanied by a local teenage boy slapping his open palms
against the sides of a tin garbage can. First to step out of the staged photo is
the oldest son, then the daughter joins in, next a buzz-cut tourist in shorts
and his tattooed girlfriend, then the ticket taker by the gang plank – soon everyone
on the dock is in syncopated motion: fingers high - reach the sky, fingers
spread proud – wipe the cloud, hands down - push the ground, wiggle the tip - snap
the pic, and with that, the new vacation
photo Macarena hits the cobbles of Portofino like American Bandstand come
home to roost. The crowd is in motion, young and old moving, twisting and gyrating
in unison as if under a spell. When the ferry boat horn sounds, the crowd, just
having participated in an Italian style unrehearsed flash mob, stops as quickly as it started and cues up
for the voyage to the next port of call.

many occasions I push myself on traveling families if I recognize a setting that will serve as
a good keepsake image. I do the finger trigger pantomime and reach for their
camera. It makes tourists smile and I feel good knowing they will have at least
one happy snapshot to share on their holiday card… like the 1958 Christmas card memory I hold dear of my beret-clad family snapped
by a stranger with my Pop’s camera on a Paris tarmac in August of 1958.
as I said in the beginning, while waiting on the dock in Portofino, I had an epiphany
and adopted the role of stranger/photographer taking my own curious photographs of
tourists posing for their family photos – those all-telling potentially incomplete
photos snapped in an instant by a stranger that, back home, might make you think… that’s not exactly how I remembered it. As
for these taken-by-a-stranger vacation photos, maybe I saw something
interesting in their pose that would be better enlarged and displayed on an art
gallery wall than short lived on a holiday card. My faux vacation photos were
never intended to be used as holiday cards… unless you are from California
where the norm is abstractly translated or you happen to be a stranger who
photographed my family on vacation or you plan to bring a briefcase when you visit
relatives at the beach in Santa Cruz.
Want help planning your next family vacation? This article guides you step-by-step through the family vacation planning process. Follow these steps and your whole family will have fun!
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